1st October 2023 – message from the secretary

  1. Cumberland Sports Exhibition – October see the start of an event which is being hosted by the Beacon Museum at Whitehaven. It is an exhibition of traditional Cumberland Sports and Hound trailing has been included in this exhibition. Over the month of October a number of sports will be given a week in focus and the Hound Trail week commences on Tuesday the 3rd October. Each sport will have a potted history of the sport and the opportunity for visitors to view photos and speak with people from the sport itself. The main aim of the exhibition is to try and encourage people in to taking up some of the sports. I would like to thank Joanna Burrows who assisted with the preparation of the information and photos for the exhibition and Edward Crosby, John Bromage and Christine Magee who will be attending the museum along with myself through out the next week to share information and promote hound trailing.
  2. AGM’s and Notices of Motion – Just a reminder that as we approach the end of the season and the up coming Annual General meetings in early November if anyone is thinking of putting any Notices of Motion forward they need to be thinking about this now, thinking about the wording, and getting a seconder. Under rule 29.1 All Notices of Motion for consideration at the Area Annual Meeting shall be in the hands of the Secretary, in writing, at least three clear days before the meeting, duly proposed, seconded and signed by members eligible under clause 22. Confirmation of AGM meetings will be forth coming over the next couple of weeks. I would encourage all members to attend your local AGM and have your say if you want to raise anything, suggest anything about how hound trailing is being run in your local area.

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