All Our Yesterdays Part 4.

One of the Committees who have shown consideration for owners of maiden hounds are the Cockermouth and  Workington area HTC. Noting that there was a dearth of maiden trails during the mid week, they decided that their fixture at Mockerkin on Sept 17th should consist of a senior trail , maiden trail, puppy maiden trail. There will be no trail for open puppies. ( 1957)

What Happened?

The Cockermouth and Workington HTC took a big chance in promoting a three trail mid week promotion at Mockerkin on Tuesday and it deserved a better fate . Rain and Mist obscured the senior and puppy  maiden trail and reduced visibility down to ten yards. there were rather better views for the senior maidens. Having due regard to the conditions the Committee were satisfied with a total turn out of 51 hounds and a fair sprinkling of spectators but, financially, the meet was a failure. the Committee, however, are more concerned with catering for the hounds and hound men than financial gain, a real sporting organisation,

And the winner of the seniors ‘ Sugar Ray’!

Heard this before ?

Again from 1957 – It is a frequent complaint amongst owners of young pups seeking experience that they ‘ can’t get a run’.

( particularly from those who haven’t got a car )

The majority of owners or trainers are quite willing to give them a ‘ gallop ‘, but some treat their practice trails as ‘state secrets’.

Perhaps it might be wise to run a series of organised practice trails in the close season.

The senior trail at Seaton was one of the most unsatisfactory events of the season, marred by two unrelated events. A short time before the event the promoters met and due to certain allegations the trail was turned around. So far as we can ascertain this is the first time this step has been taken at any venue this season.

What prevailed ? Well the seniors was won by outsider Betty’s Choice and Wingate, the championship leader, finished 10 minutes behind.  Consensus of opinion was that ‘ Wingate’ had been ‘got at ‘.


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