Baz’s Blog.

The Gateman at Kirkstone trails and a nicer man you’d wish to meet, ex church warden, former Mayor but a tad old fashioned . On Wednesday he was on the gate using his pockets as a bag . ‘John’ here use this ‘bum’ bag for change.’ What’s a bum bag’?  he replied

I showed him the bag and he promptly hung it around his neck. Practical !

On the same evening and the senior trailer , on the easy side of sixty five, appeared on the start ,nearly buck-naked, the ladies were well impressed .

Neil wasn’t  happy to lose his restricted class with ‘Night Vision, He should have got dad to catch it!   He could stop a clock!  ( its a joke )

Had occasion to interview the Tunstalls  -the interview is on the website somewhere ,just scroll around until you find it! That’s what I did!

Cathy Lister reckons she has the best looking trailhound anybody disagree ,tell her not me, I’m just the messenger !

Pity about the maidens at Kirkland but it did have its lighter moment’ As the hounds made there way up the fell away from the field , one; out of breath, owner appeared on the road , strained his neck and let out a noise ‘Rooster ,Rooster, Rooster.

Rooster by this time was about to disappear from sight. I turned to Jack who was still insisting on shouting, and said ‘ we couldn’t catch them crossing the road nevermind trying to turn them around , a ,good,quarter of a mile away.

He looked -‘ well ,it was worth a try’, he said, now there goes somebody who cares , the ever optimistic Englishman.

Bought a battery charger ,come in handy on Saturday ,started our lads car , then mine wouldn’t start and the new charger -flat as a pancake. Just a thought , the charger comes with a lead to the cigarette lighter, but if the battery is flat how does it charge a flat charger? it’s not a joke –yet!

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