The way I see it ( A lighter look at last weeks trailing)

Funny old game ,an old saying applicable to hound trailing. Take the river Ehen at Wath Brow cause of many upsets over the years. Monday evening and ‘Jack’ had gone in but hadn’t come out. Malcolm Holmes was getting frustrated as shouted ;’Jack ,Jack,  Jack’ to know avail. Why ? don’t you shout Ann , I remarked , so she did ; once, ‘Jack’ and Jack climbed out of the beck and up the finish . Women power !.

At the same meet and jovial Sean Pirie got his first ticket of the season.

‘Sixth hound ? Celtic Spirit !

No! Keltic Spirit – now remember Sean’s are hard C and Gerard’s are soft C.

And, once again at the ‘Brow’ ,have you ever wondered how Nicola Napier remembers all her hounds names or which one is which. Well wonder no more because she was shouting for the third on Monday – wrong pet name -wrong hound.  She should know her hounds – they are coloured in purple !!!!.

On a final note – There was a cracking view from Cold Fell including the Isle of Man, Scotland,and west Cumbria. James  remarked on it too but still preferred it in the dark! ( it’s a joke)

International on Saturday – all roads lead to Wintershields ( one does)

Viewing isn’t great but all hound catchers will go to the finish in anticipation of a ticket because they will not know whether they are first or last. Ok! it is not ideal but it’s what we’ve got and I hope we have a successful days sport.

To Judge or not to Judge? that is the question! Replaced on Tuesday , back on Wednesday. Saturday? probably the pup trail – no interest !  ( it’s a joke)

Kendal, Produce day and Arizona and Trooper Thorn won for the Cockermouth and Workington area so; come Wednesday at Redmain , up popped Kendal hounds Venus and Razzle Dazzle, to even the score.

.On the ball at Kendal,on Sunday,was James Batty ,kenner of hounds.Coming up the finish I thought I was at a different venue ( its a joke) He did get an odd one right.

Finally I’m delving into song writing so the tune of ‘don’t cry for me Arizona.’

Don’t cry for me I’m the owner.T

Truth is I never paid.

All through my trailing days

My mad existence.

He kept his promise.

To win by a distance.

Next week ‘ Daisy Dream’ ( it’s a joke)


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